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Event description: Accelerated Learning Certification.

What is it?

Accelerated Learning (AL) is a total system for speeding and enhancing both, design and learning, processes. Based on the latest brain research, it is a proven methodology to increase learning effectiveness while reducing costs and time in the process.

The Accelerated Learning Certification workshop is a future-oriented workshop that aims to upskill learning professionals with the knowledge, skills, and attitude to inspire them to move from focusing on delivering content to crafting and curating learning experiences. Our focus is on changing the role of learners from passive consumers of content to active creators/discoverers of content.

Benefits of the certification: 

  • Improve measurable learning and retention
  • Reduce course design and training time
  • Make learning fun again
  • Improve training results by getting learners actively involved

What do our classrooms or training rooms generally look like?

When a participant walks in, does the room itself capture their attention and put them in the headspace for learning? Do we as trainers/facilitators/teachers focus more on delivering the information or on the learner experience in understanding the information? How often have we been unsure after a session about how much of the learning will be retained and more importantly used by our participants/students. 

Imagine a different scenario –

Learners are engaged as soon as they walk into the room because there are interesting snippets related to the session on display. As the trainer/facilitator/teacher, you adopt the role of inviting the learners to discover learning for themselves. You also encourage them to help each other connect with the material more deeply. The learners take center stage and you take a back seat. What if you were able to be sure during a session that not only has your learners understood the information, but that they were certain to use it once they left the training room? What do we want to achieve at the end of the day – learning? retention? results? What if we could see glimpses of all of these during the session?

If the second scenario sounds like your cup of tea, then the Accelerated Learning Certification is for you. 

What happens after the certification?

Well, let’s first tell you that during our certification, where we walk the talk about AL, you will get to experience all of the key principles in action. By the end of the certification, you will have a deep understanding of the 8 principles of accelerated learning and how to apply them in your own programs. You will also be given an opportunity to immediately apply what you have learned, to your own learning sessions.

Having completed your certification, you will be able to –

  • Create training that are compatible with our natural learning process
  • Help learners unlock their full learning ability
  • Ensure that learning sticks and concepts are successfully applied at the job 
  • Use multi-sensory imagery to activate more brain potential
  • Appeal to different learning styles
  • Make learning fun again for you and for your learners 
  • Transform traditional presentations to learner engaging content and techniques, and save time while you are at it 
  • Encourage learner collaboration to reap the benefits of collective intelligence 
  • Select from over 200 starter ideas for getting learners completely and actively engaged in the classroom, online and workplace learning

Who should attend this certification?

Training Specialists and trainers, teachers, training managers, education management, consultants, instructional designers, learning content developers and e-learning developers. 

Accelerated Learning Certified Course Designer ( a three days workshop)

  • The 21st century and learning
  • The 8 AL principles
  • Three powerful AL techniques (questioning activities, multi-sensory imagery and whole body learning)
  • Converting presenter-led programs to learner-led programs
  • AL workshop design – the 4-phase blueprint
  • 7 principles of RAPID design
  • Course design analysis and evaluation

Program Schedule (Bangkok Timezone):

Place: RAMA GARDENS HOTEL BANGKOK, 9/9 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Laksi, Bangkok, Thailand 10210

Day 1: 21 March 2024 | 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m

Day 2: 22 March 2024 | 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m

Day 3: 23 March 2024 | 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m

Don’t take our word for it. Here’s what AL certified facilitators and course-designers have to say –

From our public workshops across Asia:

“Every trainer needs to learn how to make their training more effective, and AL is definitely a must technique trainers need to learn and practice.” – Marcy Hsiao, MJW Learning Solution, China

“It was such a pleasure to attend the AL workshop. My head is already buzzing with ideas which I’m going to use in my sessions and hopefully benefit my learners ever more.” – Deepti Kapoor, Training faculty at India’s leading hotel chain

“Traditionally, trainings are trainer-centered. AL workshop emphasizes learner-centered, activity-oriented, fun-driven training which enhances collaboration among learners and speeds up learning. By adopting AL design into each training, trainings can be revamped.” – Dr. B. Jagadish, Deputy Manager, Toyota Institute, India

“I have heard a bit about AL Learning, and was really excited for this program as I wanted to experience it. And I did experience it from the time I entered the room. The setup, the colors, the information that was presented was all inviting. The way things we presented without presentation was an eye opener. In a world where we have been told that learning can happen only when we present information, AL has changed my mindset and shifted my mind all together. Even on the last day, where we had to put in all the learnings of AL into a program that we wanted change, it was fascinating to see the effect that AL had on the program chart. I am now super excited to share this experience with the learners in my programs. Thank you to all who have been part of curating and creating this learning program.” – Suresh Ramdas 

From our in-house AL certifications for organizations:

“I am feeling enriched, and full of ideas to design and deliver program AL way. I am sure it not only improves retention but also greatly improves ROI”. – Sushil Kumar Barkur, Senior General Manager, Alkem Laboratories 

Meet your Facilitator: